10 Myths and Truths About Thread Lifts

March 21, 2024

In the fascinating world of beauty, thread lifts have captured attention, especially among celebrities seeking a facelift effect without surgery. But what’s really behind this procedure? Join us as we clarify 10 myths and truths about thread lifts.

1.Myth: They can cause allergies

Truth: They do not cause allergies; they are made of polydioxanone (PDO), a bioabsorbable and hypoallergenic material commonly used in cardiac surgery sutures.

2.Myth: Only for Mature Skin

Truth: Thread lifts are also effective as a preventive measure to maintain skin elasticity at younger ages.

3.Myth: Application is painful

Truth: The procedure is usually minimally painful; thanks to local anesthesia, any discomfort is minimal and temporary.

4.Myth: They are too noticeable

Truth: Thread lifts tighten the skin and restore firmness, offering very natural results.

5.Myth: Requires Downtime

Truth: The recovery time is short, allowing patients to resume their daily activities almost immediately.

6.Myth: Only for the Face

Truth: Thread lifts can be applied in various areas of the body, such as the neck and arms.

7.Myth: The face becomes more saggy when the effect wears off

Truth: The face will not necessarily return to its original state of sagging. The main reason is that during the procedure, the threads stimulate collagen production in the skin, helping to maintain skin elasticity and firmness.

8.Myth: Results are permanent

Truth: The effect of thread lifts lasts around 6 to 12 months.

9.Myth: They cause facial expressionlessness

Truth: This is entirely false; you can gesture as usual.

10.Myth: Anyone is a candidate for this procedure

Truth: They will not have the same effect on everyone, and this will depend on the degree of sagging and localized fat of the patient. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct a prior evaluation to see if the patient is a candidate for this procedure.

Remember that thread lifts should be performed by a certified doctor or professional who performs the procedure to ensure safety and efficacy.

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